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Rev. méd. Chile ; 145(2): 219-229, feb. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-845527


HIV infection induces alterations in almost all immune cell populations, mainly in CD4+ T cells, leading to the development of opportunistic infections. The gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) constitutes the most important site for viral replication, because the main target cells, memory T-cells, reside in this tissue. It is currently known that alterations in GALT are critical during the course of the infection, as HIV-1 induces loss of tissue integrity and promotes translocation of microbial products from the intestinal lumen to the systemic circulation, leading to a persistent immune activation state and immune exhaustion. Although antiretroviral treatment decreases viral load and substantially improves the prognosis of the infection, the alterations in GALT remains, having a great impact on the ability to establish effective immune responses. This emphasizes the importance of developing new therapeutic alternatives that may promote structural and functional integrity of this tissue. In this regard, therapy with probiotics/prebiotics has beneficial effects in GALT, mainly in syndromes characterized by intestinal dysbiosis, including the HIV-1 infection. In these patients, the consumption of probiotics/prebiotics decreased microbial products in plasma and CD4+ T cell activation, increased CD4+ T cell frequency, in particular Th17, and improved the intestinal flora. In this review, the most important findings on the potential impact of the probiotics/prebiotics therapy are discussed.

Humans , HIV Infections/diet therapy , Probiotics/administration & dosage , Gastrointestinal Tract/virology , Prebiotics/administration & dosage , Lymphoid Tissue/virology , CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes , Viral Load , Gastrointestinal Tract/metabolism , Lymphoid Tissue/metabolism
ReNut ; 7(4): 1335-1343, oct.-dic. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-722352


Paciente de sexo masculino, de 31 años de edad. HIV (+) desde hace 1 año. Se encontraba recibiendo TARGA; acude al HNDAC por presentar disnea, tos persistente, secreciones mucopurulentas amarillo-verdosas, náuseas. Ingresó por cuadro de Insuficiencia Respiratoria Aguda (IRA tipo 1) al servicio de Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión en Julio de 2013. Al momento de la Intervención Nutricional se le venía haciendo manejo ventilatorio y control hemodinámico. Sala: Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Edad: 31 años. Sexo: Masculino, Fecha de ingreso al hospital: 17/07/2013, Fecha de ingreso a servicio: 18/07/2013, Diagnóstico médico: IRA Tipo I en VM, por NAC, Hemoptisis inactiva, VIH (+) en TARGAy alcalosis respiratoria.

Male patient, 31 years of age. He is HIV (+) for 1 year. Patient is receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatmen (HAART). Pacient arrives to Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital in Callao because of symtoms such as breathlessness, persistent cough, yellow-green mucopurulent secretions, nausea. Patient is admitted to Intensive Care Unit with Respiratory failure in July 2013. At the moment of the Nutritional Intervention, patient was receiving ventilatory managament and hemodinamic con Room: Intensive Care Unit. Age: 31 years. Gender: Male. Hospital admission date: 17/07/2013. Service entry date: 1 8/07/201 3. Medical diagnosis: IRA VM Type 1, by NAC, Hemoptysis inactive HIV (+) on HAART and respiratory alkalosis.

Humans , Male , Adult , Motor Activity , Nutrition Assessment , HIV Infections/diet therapy , Respiratory Insufficiency/diet therapy
Rev. GASTROHNUP ; 12(2): 84-87, mayo-ago.2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-645125


La infección por VIH está asociada con un elevado riesgo de malnutrición. Los mecanismos por los cuales un paciente con SIDA pierde peso, pueden llegar a ser disminución de ingreso alimentario por falta de apetito; pérdida de las capacidades cognoscitiva, visual, auditiva, olfatoria ó por pérdida del estado de consciencia; aversión a los alimentos por cambio de sabores; dificultad ó dolor al deglutir, por enfermedades del esófago; náuseas ó vómito por gastritis medicamentosa ó por efectos adversos de los medicamentos; pérdidas alimentarías anormales ó mayor consumo de energía y nutrimentos causado por la enfermedad ó sus complicaciones, sin olvidar factores económicos y el social. Diversos factores aquejan una ingesta anormal en el paciente con VIH/SIDA. El síndrome de malabsorción intestinal, aparece en el 31% de los niños infectados. Las infecciones oportunistas pueden ocasionar fiebre, provocando un estado hipermetabólico, con incremento de las necesidades energéticas del organismo así como las pérdidas de nitrógeno por orina. Los factores psicosociales también contribuyen de manera importante al crecimiento subóptimo de niños infectados con VIH.

The mechanisms by which an AIDS patient loses weight, may become reduced food intake due to lack of appetite, loss of cognitive skills, visual, auditory, olfactory or loss of the state of consciousness, aversion to food for change flavors, difficulty or pain on swallowing, esophageal diseases, gastritis, nausea or vomiting from medications or adverse drugs effects, los sor abnormal eating more energy and nutrients caused by the disease or its complications, not to mention economic factors and social. Several factors facing an abnormal intake in patients with HIV/AIDS. Intestinal malabsorption síndrome, occurs in 31% of infected children. Opporunistic infecions can cause fever, causing a hypermetabolic state with increased energy needs and body nitrogen losses in urine. Psychosocial factors also contribute significantly to suboptimal growth of children infected with HIV.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Child Nutrition , HIV Infections/classification , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/diagnosis , HIV Infections/diet therapy , HIV Infections/metabolism , Malnutrition/classification , Malnutrition/complications , Malnutrition/diagnosis
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 53(5): 519-527, jul. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-525414


Revisar e sintetizar as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a relação entre o consumo alimentar e dislipidemia em pacientes infectados pelo HIV em terapia antirretroviral combinada de alta atividade (TARV). Desenvolveu-se uma revisão sistemática de literatura. Foram pesquisados estudos originais e duas categorias de exposição dietética foram revisadas: consumo de energia e nutriente ou consumo de uma dieta teste. Foi feita síntese narrativa dos estudos selecionados. Os achados foram sintetizados segundo a categoria de desfecho metabólico (efeito sobre colesterol total e LDL-c, efeito sobre HDL-c e efeito sobre triglicérides). Vinte estudos originais foram incluídos na revisão, sendo 13 ensaios clínicos e 7 estudos epidemiológicos observacionais. A suplementação com ácido graxo ω-3 resultou em significativa redução nos níveis séricos de triglicérides. Observou-se evidência insuficiente acerca da efetividade de intervenções dietéticas na prevenção e controle das dislipidemias em pacientes infectados pelo HIV em uso de TARV.

To review and synthesize the available scientific evidence on the relationship between dietary intake and dyslipidemias in HIV-infected patients in combination antiretroviral therapy (ART). A systematic review of literature was carried out. Original and published studies were investigated and two categories of dietary exposure were considered: energy and nutrient intake, and consumption of a test diet. A narrative review of included studies was conducted. The findings were summarized according to category of metabolic outcomes (effect on total cholesterol and LDL-c, effect on HDL-c and effect on triglycerides). Twenty original studies were included in this review, being 13 clinical trials and 7 observational studies. ω-3 fatty acid supplementation led to a significant decrease in triglycerides. There was very little evidence on the effectiveness of dietary interventions for the prevention and control of dyslipidemias in HIV-infected patients receiving ART.

Humans , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active/adverse effects , Diet , Dyslipidemias/prevention & control , Evidence-Based Medicine , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Clinical Trials as Topic , Cholesterol, HDL/blood , Cholesterol, LDL/blood , Dyslipidemias/blood , Dyslipidemias/chemically induced , Energy Intake , Feeding Behavior , HIV Infections/diet therapy , Triglycerides/blood
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 18(1): 66-72, fev. 2006.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-553547


Introdução: o controle da infecção pelo HIV em pacientes pediátricos tem alcançado um amplo espectro que vai desde a abordagem da família naadesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral até a análise dos aspectos moleculares da infecção neste grupo, a fim de que ocorra a promoção de uma melhor qualidade de vida e uma maior sobrevida destes. Objetivo: descrever os aspectos clínico-terapêuticos de pacientes pediátricos infectados pelo HIV e descrever sua correlação com os aspectos moleculares da infecção, nutricionais e psicológicos. De modo a enfatizar a importância de se avaliar estas crianças sobre a ótica da qualidade de vida. Métodos: foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico que teve como base publicações de organismos nacionais e internacionais (Medline e Lilacs), periódicos científicos e livros técnicos. Resultados: as particularidades no curso da infecção pelo HIV em pacientes pediátricos vão desde as manifestações clínicas que os diferem dos adultos, a necesaidsde do apoio familiar na adesão ao tratamento proposto pelo médico até a superação de possíveis efeitos adversos da terapia anti-retroviral, como a intolerância e a toxicidade. Por outro lado diantedo quadro patológico impõem-se desafios, como amparar estas crianças que podem desenvolver desordens psicológicas, conceder uma dieta que contribua em uma melhor ação no tratamento, assim como a necesaidsde de se estudar as possíveis mutações que implicam em resistência viral a fim de que ocorra o desenvolvimento de novas drogas. Conclusão: o curso clínico-terapêutico deve ser a base no conhecimento dos diversos aspectos da infecção pelo HIV em pacientes pediátricos concedendo ao profissional de saúde o apoio fundamental na escolha dos meios de fornecer uma melhor qualidade de vida a estes pacientes e uma maior tranqüilidade durante o acompanhamento clínico a seus responsáveis.

Introduction: the control of the HIV infection in pediatrics patients has reached a larger specter that goes since the boarding of the family in theadhesion to the anti-retroviral treatment until the analysis of the molecular aspects of the infection in this group topromove better quality of life and agreater follow-up. Objective: report the clinical-therapeutical aspects of pediatrics patients infecty by the HIV and describe its psychological correlation with the molecular aspects of the infection, nutricionais. In order to emphasize the importance of evaluating these children on the optics of the quality of life. Methods: it was carried through a bibliographical survey that had as base publications of national and international organisms (- Medline and Lilacs), periodic scientific and books technician. Results: the particularitities in the course of the infection for the HIV in pediatrics patients go since the clinical manifestations that differ them from the adults, the necessity of the familiar support in the adhesion to the treatment considered for the doctor until the overcoming of possible adverse effect of the anti-retroviral therapy as the intolerance and the toxicological effects. On the other hand ahead of the pathological picture one imposes challenges as to support these children who can develop psychological clutters, to grant a diet that contribute in one better action in the treatment, as well as the necessity of if studying the possible mutations that imply in viral resistance so that the development of new drugs occurs. Conclusion: the clinical-therapeutical course must be the base in the knowledge of the diverse aspects of the infection for the HIV in pediatrics patients granting to the health professional the basic support in the choice of the ways to supply to one better quality of life to these patients and a bigger tranquillity during the clinical accompaniment its responsible ones.

Humans , Child , Quality of Life , HIV Infections/diet therapy , HIV Infections/psychology , HIV Infections/therapy , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Clinical Competence